
Super-8 / 16mm

processing system

The brand new processing system for 8 and 16mm film.

Convert your Filmomat into a motion picture film lab today!



Ultra-compact design

A Super-8 film is 15m long. Fitting all that film into a small tank was a big challenge. But we went even further: With the new system, you can process two 15m Super-8 films in a single run - with no more than 500 mL of chemistry.

Tailor-made for the Filmomat

The new motion picture processing tank was specifically designed for the Filmomat. It connects just like the standard 135/120 tank - no modifications needed.

A fully automatic MicroLab

The Super-8 / 16mm system does not need any special accessories. Just connect the tank to the Filmomat and you can start processing Super-8 and 16mm film. B/W positive, color negative, color positive - you can process everything with the system.

Super-8 and 16mm

The new system can handle both 8mm and 16mm film in the same tank. You can process up to 2x15m of Super-8, or up to 1x15m 16mm/Double-8 film in a single run. 30m (100ft) rolls of 16mm can be split and processed in two batches.

A complete kit

The new processing system includes everything you need to process motion picture film. It also comes with a special set of film clips to conveniently hang up the 15m long film for drying.

Easy Handling

Super-8 film can be spooled into the film spiral directly out of the cartridge. The 15m film are easily loaded onto the spiral within a few minutes. A detailed user manual provides all information, from preparing the cartridge to drying the film!